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I have had the privilege of working with Suresh on several web-enabled project including new brand launch. He bought fresh insights to the project and helped us with establish channel networks! -David Peters
Calendar planning of business tasks
Easy work with clients’ feedback
Management of your company’s projects
Suresh has demonstrated an excellent organizational skill, and with his knowledge in IT programmer, Suresh was ready to troubleshoot any difficulties I had. Suresh is very enthusiastic and easy to get along with, and can inspire others to make a friendly work enviroment! -Ben Zuniga
Daily/Weekly sales summary
Amount of converted leads
Number of referrals and opened newsletters
“I found Suresh to posses excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Suresh also maintains a strong knowledge of computer IT programming and solutions which I was able to witness while working with him!”
-Daniel Smith
Daily/Weekly sales summary
Amount of converted leads
Number of referrals and opened newsletters